Inclusion / SEND
Inclusion at Fair Field Junior School
Fair Field Junior School is an inclusive school where staff value every pupil and are committed to helping them achieve their full potential. We recognise that some pupils have additional needs and aim to provide the extra support and resources necessary for them to be successful. As a school, we appreciate that for each individual child reaching their full potential may look different depending on the their strengths, passion for subjects and areas of interest.
At Fair Field inclusion means:
- all children feel safe as part of their community
- everything possible is done to minimise barriers to childrens’ learning at the earliest opportunity
- personalised provision will be supported to enable all children to achieve their full potential
- parents and carers will be active participants in the decisions affecting their child’s education
- children’s views are actively sought at all stages of their education
Our Inclusion lead and SENCO is Finella Parmar. Her role is to ensure that all our children are happy, safe and achieving their full potential through planned interventions and careful nurture support. Should you need to speak to Mrs Parmar, she can be contacted via the school office at or on 01923 856341.
Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Children with SEND are identified and supported through quality first teaching and additional interventions to ensure they make expected or accelerated progress throughout their years at Fair Field. Where appropriate, additional external agencies will be contacted in agreement with parents/carers to ensure that tailored support is given. If a child is working at least 2 years below age expectations it maybe necessary to apply for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan to ensure that the child receives continued targeted provision throughout their schooling and adult life up to the age of 25. Additional information about applying for an EHC assessment is available via the links below.
Children with a gift or talent in any area of the curriculum
Our aim is to ensure that children with a gift or talent in any area of the curriculum are given an opportunity within the school day to excel and share their strengths with others. Work is differentiated to ensure these children are challenged. Other opportunities are also sought out for them to extend their learning through links with secondary schools, such as Queens School for Sport and Purcell Music School and by representing the school in maths, sports and other competitions. We welcome local community members getting in touch to widen the children’s experiences in all areas of the curriculum.
Transition from Infant School
The majority of our pupils come from our linked infant school, St John's Infant & Nursery School. We have excellent links with this school and the staff work closely together. Our Executive Headteacher is also the Executive Headteacher at St John's and knows the families across both schools well, which is hugely beneficial.
Before your children start at Fair Field, there will be an effective transition meeting with the infant school. This ensures that we have a good understanding of your child and can put support in place early on, as appropriate.
Transition and links with Secondary Schools
Children from Fair Field go to many secondary schools in the wider area including Bushey Meads, Queens, Verulum, St. Albans School for Girls, Parmiters, Marlbourough, Hertswood, Watford Grammar Schools and Westfield Academy. The inclusion leader ensures that information is passed on about all our pupils and in particular those with SEND so that support can be continued into the children’s next stage of learning.