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Our Governors

 A very warm welcome from the Governors of Fair Field Junior School.

The Local Governing Body performs a strategic leadership role in the running of Fair Field Junior School and we work closely with the senior leadership team to ensure that the school provides the best possible education for its pupils. We act as a “critical friend”, providing both challenge and support to school leaders.

Our key responsibilities are:

  • policy development and strategic planning, including target-setting to keep up momentum on school improvement;
  • ensuring sound management and administration of the school, and ensuring that managers are equipped with relevant skills and guidance;
  • ensuring compliance with legal requirements;
  • establishing and maintaining a transparent system of prudent and effective internal control; 
  • monitoring performance and the achievement of objectives, and ensuring that plans for improvement are acted upon;
  • helping the school be responsive to the needs of parents and the community and making it more accountable through consultation and reporting; 
  • setting the school’s standards of conduct and values;

The Local Governing Body meets twice a term and in addition has a joint Personnel Committee with St John’s Infant and Nursery School.  The local governing board is a committee of the Poppy Academy Trust.  

Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please email him on

Our governance diversity information is here

Current Governors

Simon Mitchley (Chair of Governors)

Co-opted governor

Link Governor for Safeguarding

Current term of office:  14/12/21 - 13/12/25

Joanna Berwitz (Vice Chair of Governors)

Co-opted governor 

Current term of office: 30.11.22 - 29.11.26

Jane Williams

Co-opted governor

Member of Personnel Committee

Link governor for Inclusion

Current term of office: 01.07.20 - 30.06.24

Davinia Leggett


Ex-offio Governor

Alice Aharon

Executive Headteacher

Ex-offio Governor


Sam Gray

Staff governor

Link governor for eSafety

Current term of office:  01.07.24 - 30.06.28


Josephine Kasirye

Parent governor

Current term of office:  06.02.24 - 05.02.28


Rozanne Margerrison

Co-opted governor

Link governor for curriculum

Current term of office:  29.06.23 - 28.06.27


   John Grace

   Parent Governor

   Link Governor for Health & Safety 

   Current Term of office: 21/03/22 - 20/03/26


 Patrick Mroz-Dawes

 Co-opted governor

 Current Term of Office 16.03.23 - 15.03.27

Bernie Soffair

Co-opted governor

Personnel Committee

Current term of office:  16/12/20 - 15/12/24

 Elliot Isaacson

 Co-opted governor

 Current Term of Office 27.03.24 - 26.03.28

Fair Field Junior School

Watford Road, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD78LU

Tel: 01923856341