Our learning is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014) and the core elements of Literacy, Mathematics and Science follow national frameworks, but we enhance these to create an exciting and meaningful context for children to explore the world. Through careful curriculum planning, learning across the foundation subjects is arranged to allow as many opportunities for thematic, cross-curricular learning as possible. This provides children with a chance to not only learn the rigours and discipline associated with each subject but enables them to make links and connections between knowledge and skills. This approach helps bring greater context to information and leads to better lifelong learning and critical thinking skills. To ensure breadth, balance and progression, curriculum content and core knowledge is carefully mapped across each Key Stage and monitored by dedicated subject leaders. As an academy we are in the fortunate position of being able to adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of our students. This means our curriculum has the scope to be reviewed and evolve as necessary to ensure the children at Fair Field always benefit from the best possible practice in education.
On our website you will find information about how each subject is taught and details about how coverage and progression are mapped across the age phases in line with the themes for that year group.
If you would like to know more about our curriculum or would like to learn more about the changes to your child’s learning please don’t hesitate to contact us.